Mediators bring conflict parties to the negotiating table and support them in finding agreements. While mediation used to be a domain reserved exclusively for diplomats and UN envoys, in the last decade the range of actors in the mediation field has broadened and the field has professionalized. In this course, participants gain insights into the complex challenges of peace mediation.
This course is designed for professionals who would like to improve their mediation skills and practitioners and academics interested in complementing their own experiences with current conceptual insights and practical knowledge. Leading international scholars as well as experienced practitioners from government, international organizations and civil society facilitate this course.
In this course you will:
- familiarize yourself with the most important concepts and approaches of negotiation and mediation
- understand the main dimensions of mediation process design and their applications in cases
- practice negotiation and mediation skills
- exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice
For more information, please visit the course website.
Tuition fee: 1'700 CHF
Apply here until the 31 August 2024.
Kasernenhof 8
4058 Basel