The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Peacebuilding Essentials is designed for practitioners and academics interested in bridging their own experiences with current conceptual insights and practical knowledge on peacebuilding.
Peacebuilding plays a crucial role in efforts to transform violent conflict, promote peace, rebuild war-torn societies and prevent the recurrence of violence. This postgraduate program provides a holistic understanding of peacebuilding. It analyzes theories, concepts, debates, policies, and practices in the different fields of peacebuilding ranging from peace mediation, conflict transformation, the role of gender to dealing with the past. Additionally, you acquire skills and tools to apply in conflict situations.
In this program you will:
- get a comprehensive overview of different fields of peacebuilding.
- reflect critically on peacebuilding practices.
- link latest findings from research and best practices to your work.
- acquire practical peacebuilding skills and tools.
- lay the foundation for your next career step.
- exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice.
The CAS Peacebuilding Essentials is offered annually and runs from fall to fall. The program consists of the following modules:
- Introductory Module: Introduction to Peacebuilding & Conflict Analysis (virtual course) on 05-06 September 2024.
- Thematic Module: choose four of the elective courses. Some are offered virtually, others will take place on-site in Basel.
- Concluding Module, consisting of writing a Learning Portfolio and presenting it at the Concluding Day (virtual course) on 31 October 2025.
Tuition fees: CHF 6'400
Application Deadline: 31 August 2024
Apply on our website.
Contact us at academy@swisspeace.ch for more information or if you have any questions.
Kasernenhof 8
4058 Basel