The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Peace Mediation & Dialogue targets future mediators interested in understanding how negotiation, mediation, and dialogue can promote peace processes. The program runs from fall to fall. The three modules take place at the cultural center kHaus in Basel or in a virtual format.
Peace mediation, political negotiations, and strategic and national dialogues are practical and effective avenues for transforming violent conflicts. This postgraduate program offers an introduction to the different concepts and their application in cases. Combining theoretical elements, experiences from different conflict contexts, and practical methods, the CAS Peace Mediation & Dialogue provides you with the necessary knowledge and skills to better analyse, support or conduct negotiations, mediation, and dialogue initiatives in the context of peace processes.
The CAS Peace Mediation & Dialogue is offered annually and runs from fall to fall. The program consists of the following modules:
- Introductory Module: Introduction to Peacebuilding & Conflict Analysis (virtual course) on 05 - 06 September 2024.
- Thematic Module 1: choose two of our Mediation courses (visit our website for more information)
- Thematic Module 2: choose two of our elective courses (visit our website for more information)
- Concluding Module, consisting of writing a Learning Portfolio and presenting it on the Concluding Day (virtual course) on 31 October 2025.
The courses take place on-site at kHaus in Basel, Switzerland, or in a virtual format. All courses are taught in English.
Tuition fee: 6'400 CHF
Application Deadline: 31 August 2024
Apply on our website.
Contact us at academy@swisspeace.ch for more information or if you have any questions.
Kasernenhof 8
4058 Basel